In winter, the real adventure in the High Tatras is just beginning!
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In winter, the real adventure in the High Tatras is just beginning!
Winter is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year, which many people associate with the season of skiing on groomed slopes with the most beautiful views of the panorama of the Tatra Mountains. But it's not just about skiing, winter days can be experienced in other ways too!
A true winter idyll in the form of walking or hiking
Sledding from Hrebienok to Starý Smokovec
If you like frantic sledging, you will surely enjoy the sledging on the longest toboggan run from Hrebienok to the fullest! Just bring your own sledge or rent it directly at Hrebienok for a fee. You can easily take the cable car to Hrebienok or walk along the asphalt road or hiking trail. In addition to sledging during the day, you can also experience night sledging! The unique atmosphere of the illuminated trail makes for a completely new sledging experience, so go back to the joyful childhood days with your kids and enjoy a real Tatra sledging.
By cable car for beautiful views
Winter views of the Tatra mountains and snow-covered peaks have their own charm, but it is not a rule that you have to reach them on your own. You can enjoy the views without a big hike, because all you need to do is buy a ticket for one of the cable cars. The underground cable car from Starý Smokovec takes you directly to Hrebienok, the chairlift from Štrbské Pleso to Solisko and the cable car from Tatranská Lomnica to Skalnaté Pleso or Lomnický štít, so in winter you have the opportunity to get to know the "other face of the Tatras".
Popular outdoor activities
Zima v Tatrách doslova kričí zábavou! Okrem klasických aktivít viete vyskúšať aj jedinečné zimné atrakcie, ktoré si užijete aj so svojimi ratolesťami. Za vyskúšanie určite stoja psie záprahy – povediete psí záprah ako skutočný mašer, snowtubing – jazda v snehovom koryte či snowrafting – adrenalínová jazda v rafte. Ak však nie ste nadšencom adrenalínových aktivít môžete si zahrať karling na ľade, navštíviť Tatranský Dóm či vyhliadkovú vežu Tatras Tower.
When weather is not ideal
Okrem toho, že si v zime radi užívate snehovú nádielku a všetko s tým spojené, sú dni kedy vysokohorské počasie jednoducho nepraje. V rámci Vysokých Tatier a okolia máte možnosť okúsiť rôzne indoor aktivity a navštíviť tak rôzne múzeá - TANAP, interaktívne galérie - Trickladnia či Poliankovo, jaskyne – Belianska jaskyňa či akvaparky – AquaCity Poprad.
Of course, there is much much more! Have fun during the winter and take home the most beautiful experiences from the Tatras.
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