


Tatra Fairy Tale


Tatra Fairy Tale

Take the Krátky family on an extraordinary holiday to the Tatras and explore the Tatra attractions with them.

Tatra Fairy Tale

Where there was, there was, there was once a summer holiday, a time of vacation and relaxation. The Krátky family decided to spend their holidays in the Tatras. Both parents loved the Slovak mountains from a young age and tried to pass this love on to their children. Jonáš and Alžbetka were a bit worried, after all, the Tatras are not the sea, but after the first day their fears disappeared.

On the very first day after checking in, they went on a tour of the digital gallery. Exceptionally impressive effects, virtual reality, shadow play and even a hologram, such as Poliankovo, are not to be found just anywhere. The children were thrilled! The next morning they went to Hrebienok. After the hike, which was a holiday destination for the parents, there was also a reward for the children after hearing about the Kvantarium, their classmates talked about it with great enthusiasm, so it was time to see for themselves if it was really as much fun as they said it was. Eight rooms, a laser show, light drawing, and a tour presented in a simple and easy to understand way, it was definitely a good idea! On the third day, it was raining. If it was raining, it was pouring. Staying in the room all day seemed like a punishment to the family. They could have played a game of bocce or cards at home, and since it's a rule with the Short family that cell phones are passé during vacation, they had to think of something quickly. When they couldn't enjoy the Tatry vnútri, they opted for the Tatras inside and, despite the fog and rain, enjoyed the unique views on large screen projections and through virtual reality. The afternoon was spent at Dobra Hračka, where Jonáš and Alžbetka were able to try out different professions and interactive games and made new friends. The rain was drumming on the windows the whole time, but nobody minded anymore.


The next day the sun came out again and on a walk around the area they met Vierka, Alžbetka's friend from kindergarten, who was also here with her parents on holiday. Since they were staying nearby, they agreed to spend the next two days together. Vierka had two brothers, a little older than Jonah, so at least they would have fun and Jonah wouldn't always be hitting on Alžbetka. The hike to the Skok waterfall seemed endless to the children, but in the evening, when their feet had rested from walking, they had to admit that the waterfall was beautiful and actually their feet didn't hurt that much. The parents agreed that for the kids, "Are we there yet?" and "I can't!" seems to be the driving force on every hike. In fact, at the Pedal Planet Pedal Car Museum, while looking around the more than 120 exhibits, the boys didn't seem to be tired. Their joy must have been heard all the way in Košice. There were smaller, bigger, wooden, blue and red cars, F1 cars and models of Porsche, Mercedes and Jaguar.


The next day everyone was captivated by optical illusions and tricks. They had to engage all their senses to understand that sight can sometimes deceive us. Tricklandia enchanted everyone, regardless of age. On the penultimate day of the holiday, our family was transported to distant history. Thanks to Dinopark Tatry, they discovered that the actual size of Velociraptor was the same as the size of the turkey that the old men keep in their backyard. Tyrannosaurus, capable of tearing off 200 kg of meat in one bite, pterosaurs and other dinosaur species together under one roof took the children's breath away. At the end of the holiday, the whole group enjoyed themselves at the Squirrel Rope Park on Štrbské Pleso, where adults and children alike had fun again. On the way home, our family indulged in one last adventure, the icing on the cake, and stopped at the popular Aquacity Poprad.  
At home, the children appreciated that Slovakia is really very beautiful. All you have to do is "goggle" a bit or ask your friends, there are plenty of opportunities for relaxation and fun in the Tatras in all weathers. If you would like to enjoy a holiday like the Krátky family, sign up for the MYAPLEND loyalty system and enjoy discounts of up to 20% on selected attractions in the fairytale story.

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