


3 tips on what to look for during a hike

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3 tips on what to look for during a hike

Did you know that a special species of chamois, the Tatra chamois, lives in our mountains, which can only be found in the Tatra Mountains in Slovakia and Poland?

3 tips on what to look for during a hike

Both the male and female of this alpine acrobat are characterized by short horns curved backwards at the end, slender legs and sturdy hooves that are adapted to alpine terrain. Their coat is brown, darker in summer than in winter. There are currently more than 650 chamois on the Slovak side of the Tatra National Park. They are mostly seen in groups led by a female.
With a keen eye, you can also spot a marmot in the wild. Although there are more of them scattered around TANAP than chamois (up to 1,400+), due to their colouring only a really keen eye can spot them. That's why we recommend you to hike somewhere where there is no crowd of tourists. Of course, where it is allowed and safe. You can take advantage of MYAPLEND's 20% discount on hiking with a mountain guide and also go on unmarked trails.

Even marmots live in groups that have their own hierarchy and language. They communicate based on signals and body language, which helps them avoid danger and share information about food. They are well adapted to living in extreme conditions such as low temperatures and limited access to food.


If you're more drawn to the outdoors by flora, you're more likely to look around for the purple heads of crocus and ponytail on your hike. Are you tempted by the sight of blue gentian, yellow primrose, or looking for a cheerful group of white dryad? Especially from the hills, you'll get a perfect view of unspoilt nature. A more challenging hike that will reward you with a spectacular view is the climb to the Končistá hill. When you stand on the top, besides the beautiful view of nature, you can also swing with the hikers who have climbed Gerlach. These two mountains are located not far from each other and in good weather you can see each other with the naked eye. The climb to Končista is comparable to the climb to Gerlachovský štít. It is a hiking trail on which you need a guide. Firstly, because of the safety and difficulty of the terrain, but at the same time you will also learn new interesting facts about the Tatras. Another advantage of the guide is that he will guide you through different routes - one of which is the ascent and the other the descent, which will make your experience in the Tatra nature even better. For MYAPLEND members we have a 20% discount on the climb to Končista with guide Štefan Bačkor.

Plants in the Tatras are adapted to the harsh conditions and fluctuations of high mountain weather. Did you recognize any new plant species? Let us know about it. Take a photo (definitely don't tear it) of the plant, share it with us on Instagram @myaplend and let us know what new things you learned about it.

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